Welcome to Poonindie Community Learning Centre
Poonindie Primary School is located 18km north of Port Lincoln and caters for students from Reception to Year 6. Students come from a wide area including Poonindie, Louth Bay, North Shields, Charlton Gully, Tod River, White Flat farming region and Port Lincoln.
The Poonindie Early Childhood Centre is co-located on the school grounds and the two sites work closely together, providing a seamless curriculum for the school population.
The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum with a focus on literacy and numeracy aligned to the Australian Curriculum. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is implemented annually from R-6. The learning program is complemented by Indonesian, instrumental music programs and the Sporting Schools Program.
Opportunities for a variety of sporting events are offered as well as programs to develop leadership skills. Reception to Year 4 access swimming lessons annually in Port Lincoln, while Year 5/6 students access the aquatics program offered at Coffin Bay. The school hosts an annual sports day in term 1 and participates in an interschool sports day with the Ungarra Primary School. Our school is part of the Port Lincoln Partnership and staff training and development is often shared with these schools.
SRC plays a strong role in the decision-making of the school. Each year level elects a representative for SRC and 2 senior students are elected as School Captains. All 4 House teams for sports day have elected house captains. All students who are elected to these positions are encouraged to develop their leadership skills within their respective roles throughout the year.
The Governing Council is actively involved in policy development and review, fundraising and as classroom helpers. Members of the school community and staff work collaboratively to pursue our mission of “engaging students in active learning to become citizens who contribute to our wider community.“
Our vision for all aspects of learning at Poonindie Primary School: “Our students show a high level of independence and interdependence in their learning, with strong personal resilience.”
We promote our values of Accountability, Innovation, Respect and Resilience.